While still sharing the same hollow core that our dry cast products have, our MagnumStone™ Retaining Wall System is perfect for DOT (department of transportation) industrial and commercial retaining walls that require a more aesthetic look.
Ideal for gravity and geogrid retaining walls, soil nailing, cantilevered, plantable, mechanical geogrids, and a gravity extender, the flexibility of our MagnumStone™ retaining wall units are endless. Incredibly realistic looking, your MagnumStone™ retaining system brings the same stability of other industry products, but with less the cost and greater visual appeal!
Used to ensure stability with your large retaining wall systems, learn more about how you can put your MagnumStone™ product to work for you. See All
CAD Details
For unit specifications and technical details, review and download our CAD drawings to help in your design process. See All
Installation of the MagnumStone Retaining Wall Systems
Easy to install, look at our installation guide for step-by-step instructions on how to create your MagnumStone™ retaining wall system. See All
Hollow Core
The unique hollow core design, reduces efflorescence problems & costly pigments.
In addition, the product’s 8 sq face ft is light enough to be moved on site in pairs of 16 sq ft with a standard Bobcat. The large, lightweight hollow core allows it to be installed quickly to create curves and turn corners. The capabilities of gravity structures also reduce the amount of concrete needed to complete the project.
Environmental Benefits
We’re about creating beautiful things simply, and that means ensuring that our natural surroundings are also cared for. With nearly half the concrete required for manufacturing a solid system, along with more efficiency in transportation, we ensure that we leave a smaller carbon footprint, while still providing strength and durability.
Using less concrete, costs significantly drop due to less weight (lowers freight & shipping costs), less required installers, lower development costs, without any loss in structural stability!
Our producers use only the best, first class concrete to ensure durability and weather resistance. The advantage to wet-cast concrete comes into play with Department of transportation projects and de-icing salts.
Providing freeze / thaw durability over competing products, MagnumStone™ is very well suited for projects aligned with the Department of Transport.
Our retaining walls are connected utilizing our patented, mortarless, SecureLug interlock system, focusing on ease of installation for reduced labor and increased options for design.
Because of this, along with the lightness of the units, each unit can be moved two at a time with lighter machinery, such as a standard Bobcat.
Stylized Aesthetics
You can design almost anything as the wet cast process allows for unique through-wall applications, face options, and logo details for any type of project.