
Wayne, NJ, USA

CornerStone Manufacturer


City of New Jersey


Yes, unspecified

Completed Year


Wayne New Jersey | Transit Retaining Walls

Cornerstone retaining wall blocks  were used in providing more parking lot areas for Wayne New Jersey Transit Retaining Walls. The project required many challenging aspects that were handled perfectly using Cornerstone 100. Some of the retaining wall challenges included sloping ramps for cars and wheel chair access. Other more challenging areas were wet pond where the hollow core blocks are submerged fully in water. Jersey barriers that need to withstand a car potentially hitting them directly. The City of New Jersey and Engineers worked with Liberty-Stone Hardscaping to solve all of the problems and provide a beautiful looking retaining wall that adds curb appeal to an otherwise mundane standard transit parking lot area.

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Project Details:

  • Wheel Chair Ramps
  • Dry / Wet Storm Pond
  • Concrete Culverts
  • Jersey Barriers
  • Parking areas
  • Geogrid Retaining Walls
  • Inside Corners
  • Outside Corners


Download CAD Details Here   LINK 

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Wayne New Jersey | Transit Retaining Walls